Monday 15th January 2024

"TGS US-7c Canine Ultrasonic Unit details and specifications


I. D. Stewart Pty. Ltd.

ABN 69 001 130 338

Phone Ian Stewart at 02 9878 4217 (Australia)Mobile 0408 249 432
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TGS US-7c Canine Ultrasonic Unit details

ultrasound for treating muscle and tendon injuries in greyhounds by the TGS US-7c canine

POWER SUPPLY :- 24 volt dc plug pack (input 110 to 240v ac.)
POWER CONSUMPTION :- 25 watts at maximum output.
MAXIMUM OUTPUT POWER :- 3 watts/ (15 watts acoustic power).
OUTPUT MODE :- pulsed output 4:1 ratio or continuous output.
APPLICATOR :- 5 of active area.
TIMER :- 3 and 6 minute switchable timer.
WEIGHT Unit with handle :- US-7e 1.1kg
WEIGHT Power Pack :- 160g
DIMENSIONS :- 200mm x 140mm x 70mm.

Manufactured in Australia by TGS Electronics Pty.Ltd., New Gisborne Vic.
ultrasound for treating muscle and tendon injuries in greyhounds by the TGS US-7c canine

The TGS US-7c is designed for use on greyhound or other small animal. The ultrasound output vibrates the surface of the crystal at 1,000,000 times per second. This vibration is very small and far above hearing but it is powerful enough to penetrate 2.5cm into the tissue. As this powerful output is beyond what air can transfer there must be a liquid between the crystal and the skin of the animal. Ultrasonic gel give the beast conduction. Other creams or oils may work but may cause the crystal to overheat, or in the case of oils damage may occur to the cables causing them to become brittle. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT THE CRYSTAL FACE BE KEPT IN CONTACT WITH THE SKIN AT ALL TIMES WHEN THE OUTPUT IS ON. If the crystal is out of contact for more than 30 seconds the energy that should be passing into the animal will be absorbed by the crystal and cause irreversible damage. Medical machines have an automatic switch off but this has proved impractical with animal hair. Treated with a little care the TGS crystal head and handle will give many years of reliable service.

How does it work?
Ultrasound has been used for over 60 years to help repair soft tissue injuries on both humans and animals.
It works in 3 ways - thermal, mechanical and chemical. All this occurs at a cellular level and no external changes may be noticed during the treatment. The ultrasound is like a deep micro massage. The tissue may feel slightly warm after the treatment bur must never feel hot. If the tissue or the crystal feel hot it may be due to excessive power, often loosing contact with the tissue, unsuitable coupling medium or gel, or the crystal may have been damaged.

As a result of competitive performance, racing animals often suffer from muscle and tendon injuries. Also from inflammation of the joints. The healing period may be reduced by the use of ultrasound and allows the trainer to maintain the animal's fitness.
Ultrasound is compatible with Magnetic Field. Photo Therapy and Muscle Contractors in the treatment of many injuries.



Payment may be by Direct Deposit - we send you a proforma Invoice with bank details - or by cash when picking up item.
For credit cards you may phone us with your card details and we destroy details when all is cleared.
For Pay Pal we will send you a Pay Pal invoice.
Credit Cards

All details and prices are subject to change without notice.
Refer to manufactures instruction book for full operating details.

I. D. Stewart Pty. Ltd.

ABN 69 001 130 338

Suppliers of quality ultrasonic, magnetic field and laser equipment.
56 Twin Road, North Ryde NSW 2113
Phone Ian Stewart at 02 9878 4217 (Australia)Mobile 0408 249 432
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